Wisdom for Changing Consciousness

The butterfly teaches us the magic of transformation, lifecycles, and personal growth. These changes and challenges can be traumatic. The butterfly is a powerful symbol of strength, courage, and new beginnings. Her vibrant colours remind us to have hope, joy, and optimism.

Verna Carr 027 320 0079  vernajcarr@gmail.com  vernacarrspiritualhealing.com


Hi, I’m Verna

Namaste; the soul in me greets the soul in you. My passion is raising consciousness and spiritual awareness, both individually and collectively. My work is very much focused on helping people deal with their biggest challenges and find deeper spiritual meaning and purpose in their lives. I am an intuitive energy healer, teacher, workshop facilitator, tarot card reader, writer, and speaker. I host spiritual coffee morning groups and teach energy healing at weekend workshops. I am the author of Metamorphosis,Wisdom for a Changing Consciousness, and a free 96-page e-book covering spiritual topics.


Intuitive Energy Healer

Workshop Facilitator

Tarot Card Reader
Metamorphosis Wisdom For A Changing Consciousness
Wisdom For Changing Consciousness

To Book an Energy healing session, Tarot card reading or your place on the next workshop:

Contact me: Verna 027 3200 079 or vernajcarr@gmail.com

I invite you to go to my website and download your free 94-page E-book at vernacarrspirtualhealing.com


Intuitive Energy Healer

If you are feeling a bit lost or anxious and want a better sense of who you are and what you want in life, then book an energy healing facilitation with me (Verna 0273200079).I have the natural ability to sense people's energy—where it is flowing and where it is blocked. I intuitively receive messages that are relevant to you.

The work I do is very focused on helping people deal with their biggest challenges and find deeper spiritual meaning and purpose in their lives.

My clients typically feel amazing after having an energy healing because they can understand and release old baggage and programming they have been carrying around for years, sometimes lifetimes.

Intuitive Energy Healing connects you to your own soul or higher consciousness and occurs on multiple levels. Some people experience big shifts and make dramatic life changes for the better.



Weekend Worksop Facilitator

If you would like to acquire powerful and effective energy healing techniques to facilitate healing for yourself, your family, friends, and pets, Then book yourself onto the weekend healing course.You will get to meet with the other like-minded participants in the workshop and have hands-on experience in three different roles: the energy facilitator, the one receiving the healing, and the one observing. The workshops are designed to be fun and interactive, with an open forum conversation so you can ask questions.

You will also be given a step-by-step healing manual to take home with you so that you can recap and learn at your own pace.

The workshops will be held in Whitianga. I live 100 metres from the beach and within easy walking distance of the ferry, cafes, and accommodation.

If you are interested in learning and developing your own healing gifts and meeting with other high-vibing spiritual people, then ring or text me to book your place at the next workshop.

Verna 0273200079

P.s All participants will also receive a free copy of my book Metamorphosis: Wisdom for A Changing Consciousness



Tarot Card Reader

I have a wealth of spiritual knowledge and over 30 years of experience reading tarot cards.

First for friends. For the last 5 years, I have helped hundreds of people by reading tarot cards professionally over the telephone for a well-known New Zealand company. I also read tarot cards at the local market and do readings online and over the phone.

I want to encourage and empower you to create positive changes in your life. You get to ask questions and choose what subjects you wish to explore. Book your reading today.

Verna 0273200079



Author: Metamorphosis Wisdom for a Changing Consciousness

This book is a hard back book.
Designed to be a coffee table book is a beautiful collection of my inspirational sayings and original photographs. It is layered with universal truths and wisdom which are very easy to read and apply; open the book on any page and read the inspirational message that is there for you to receive.

The wisdom of this book will apply equally to everyone who is seeking a greater awareness of themselves and the world around them. You may have possibly asked yourself these questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What have I come to do? What is the best life I can imagine for myself?
This book is about spiritual growth, change and understanding.

To buy your own copy, go to my website.



Free E-Book, Wisdom for Changing Consciousness

Wisdom for Changing Consciousness explores all concepts of spirituality and consciousness.

It will answer your questions and cover the following topics: What is Consciousness? Unconditional Love, Mind, Body and Soul, Connecting to Spirt Guides/ Higher Self, What is Intuitive Energy Healing? Healing Tools, Dark Night of the Soul, Death, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Gratitude, Consciously Manifesting Abundance, Wisdom for Changing Consciousness, Journey of Self Discovery, Self-Evaluation Questionnaire and Empowerment Affirmations.

The concepts in this book are universal. You are on your own unique spiritual journey, through reading this e-book Wisdom for a Changing Consciousness, you will discover your own answers and what works for you.

If you are curious, then go to my website and download it for free. This is my gift to you, no strings attached; I don't want your email address or personal details.





“Absolutely stunning. I have heartfelt appreciation for your immense talents and gifts.”
“Thank you for the beautiful healing, Verna. I could feel your energy and see colours”
“I went home with some beautiful tools to add to, and assist my healing journey and to facilitate for others.”
“Fantastic! I loved everything we did at the healing workshop. I went away feeling completely different. Than you Verna for everything you do.”
“Thanks for your time and the messages you shared with me. I came away feeling privileged to have met you, grounded and peaceful, with more than a touch of excitement about the future! With much gratitude.”
“Your book is awesome!! I gave one to mum and it helped with her thinking of a question and then random opening at a beautiful saying. Your book gave her positive thinking as she was going through a hard time after losing dad recently. Thanks Verna for your amazing photos and beautiful channelled sayings”.
“The reading you gave me 6 months ago really helped, so I have come back because there are a few other things I would like clarity on”.